Sunday Service Ministries
Altar Guild – Led by Pam Birdsong, this team of ten ladies takes turns preparing the altar for all services.
Christian Education/Formation – The priest leads this seminar each Sunday after the service.
Coffee Hour – This gathering is held after the 9:30am service in the parish hall to welcome members and visitors. Food teams rotate each month to bring food and supplement the coffee, tea, and lemonade set out each Sunday.
Flower Guild – Members of this team collect and arrange flowers that members of the congregation sponsor. These arrangements are displayed at the altar.
Hospitality Team – Participants bring meals to the homes of those who are ill or injured and provide food as needed for receptions after funerals and memorial services.
Music – The director and pianist, Kay Bircher, leads the choir, which as accompanied by a guitarist, and on occasion, a flutist. The choir sings primarily traditional religious songs that enhance the scripture and lessons of the worship service. When requested, they also serve at funerals and weddings.
Nursery – A certified daycare worker cares for children up to age 5 while parents attend the church service With planning, this service may also be available for special events held at the church.
Telecommunication – During the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, the church began working with technicians to produce and broadcast the Sunday morning service. Trevor Hopkins operates equipment to live stream Sunday service, weddings, and funeral services held inside our sanctuary.
Worship Team – Before the pandemic shutdown, services were held at 8 AM and 9:30 AM. At this time, only the 9:30 AM service is offered, along with the ability to watch the service online. In-person attendance currently averages 45 -55 adults and 3-5 children. Two lay ministers and two acolytes assist throughout the service.